Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Dungeon23 Day 3/365

This is an ongoing series of posts for the Dungeon23 challenge. For the first post which offers a link to the challenge, the expectations of my solo mega dungeon, and a custom character background, click here: 


Room 2: Speak, friend, and enter

This room is made from worked stone with tiled stone floors, in contrast to the previous rough chamber. It is a smaller room, only twenty feet long per wall. Two unlit torches are set in sconces flanking the doorway you just entered. To your right is another wooden door, with a grotesque brass knocker in the shape of a gargoyle.

Upon approaching the door, a voice issues from the gargoyle: "State your name."

Refuse: The door sighs, and if not opened will open itself. "Very well, Recalcitrant One. Enter."

Comply: The door repeats your name, as if committing it to memory. Then it swings open, "Enter, (Name), and good luck!" Your character gains inspiration for your politeness.

Brute Force: The knocker can be destroyed. It has AC 15 and 10 hit points, and resists all damage except bludgeoning, thunder, and force. Upon destruction, there is an ominous groan in the air. Increase the Doom Counter by 1.

Next Room

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