Hard to believe it's already been a week! We're hoping that you've had fun playing so far, or at least reading. It's been stimulating for me to come up with this stuff, and it's cool to think of how much more I'll have once it is done. For the summary of Dungeon23, the entrance to the dungeon, and my custom solo-play Background, click here:
Room 6:
This squat room is roughly 30 feet by 40 feet rectangular, and there are several moldering benches and a dilapidated basin in the corner. A handful of crates in various states of disrepair and damage and dishevelment line a far wall, near the next door. A cursory rummage through the crates revealed that they have long been picked clean of whatever goodies may have been inside.
Investigate (Intelligence) DC 12: Upon closer examination, these are loafers you find a false bottom in one of the larger crates. Cunningly hidden, you slid a few pieces of wood to unlatch it, and find quite the prize inside.
If you fail this check, but Grok is with you: Grok squeals with glee as he uncovers a secret stash! He claims finder's keepers but will trade you the item for at least 10 gold or a shiny gemstone.
Soul's Beacon. Requires Attunement. (Uncommon) This weapon is the same as your primary weapon, chosen when you encounter it. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. You can speak the command word "light" as a bonus action, causing it to shed light like a torch. The color of the light depends on your alignment: warm golden light for Good, clear white light for Neutral, and fiery red light for Evil.
Rest: It's been a long day, and if Grok is with you, he says he's pretty tired. This room is fairly defensible, and you can get a Long Rest if you so choose. You do not need to roll for random encounters or interruptions. If the Doom Counter is 1 or higher, however, you have troubling dreams or visions of a cackling skull-face knight.
The Exit: This door is made of wood and is locked. It can be opened quietly with a DC 10 Thief's Tools check, or loudly with a DC 10 Athletics (Strength) check.
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