This is an ongoing series of posts for the Dungeon23 challenge. For the first post which offers a link to the challenge, the expectations of my solo mega dungeon, and a custom character background, click here:
Room 5: Tunnel Vision
These caves twist and turn and have a disturbingly uniform, circular pattern to them. Small bits of fungus grow out of the churned earth, and a foul smell wafts along the air.
Nature (Intelligence) DC 12, or Grok is with you: These tunnels are leftovers from any one of the subterranean creatures that make this area home, though they are most likely left by umber hulks, insectoid horrors that burrow and hunt underground. If you rolled a 17 or higher, you remember that umber hulks like to ambush prey by lurking in the freshly-dug walls of their tunnels, and have a confusing gaze that scrambles the minds of its victims.
If the Doom Counter is 1 or higher: Unstable walls suddenly buckle and collapse! All characters take 6 bludgeoning damage, or half as much if they succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity Save.
Thankfully, there are no signs of recent monster activity here, although you do realize that it would be very easy to get lost in here.
Navigate the tunnels with Nature (Intelligence) DC 12, or Survival (Wisdom) DC 12: Attempting to think like an underground predator, or by examining the subtle changes in the dirt and stone, you conclude that the umber hulks were either chasing or fighting something before eventually wandering off. You manage to find your way to fresh section of worked-stone corridors and out of the tunnels.
If you fail your check: You spend 1d4+2 hours wandering somewhat hopelessly in the foul gloom before finally stumbling into a section of worked stone corridors.
You gain 25 experience if you were able to recall information about the monsters, and 25 more if you successfully navigated the tunnels.
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