Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Dungeon23 Day 4/365

 This is an ongoing series of posts for the Dungeon23 challenge. For the first post which offers a link to the challenge, the expectations of my solo mega dungeon, and a custom character background, click here:

Room 3: Creeping Death

This room is long: sixty feet from this door to the door at the far end. It's also narrow, a mere fifteen feet across. Some twenty feet ahead of you the floor abruptly gives way to a jagged edge where the stone has crumbled away. The pit itself is ten feet across and only about three feet deep, which wouldn't be bad except for the writhing critters churning the mealy earth inside!

Nature (Intelligence) DC 10: This is a swarm of hundreds of six-inch long cave centipedes. They are usually docile, unless intruded upon or stepped on. They have a venomous bite which can sicken creatures.

Passive Perception (Wisdom) 10: A shiny gem lies half-buried by earth and centipedes near the far end of the pit. It will take a simple DC 10 Acrobatics (Dexterity) Check to safely fish out the gem. Failure by less than five means that you got the gem, but get bitten (as described in violence, below). Failing by five or more means that you not only do not get the gem, but are bitten. The gem itself is a shiny quartz worth 15 gp.

Acrobatics (Dexterity) DC 12: A nimble enough adventurer can tip-toe through the bugs without disturbing them.

Long Jump Strength 10+: With a ten-foot running start, you can safely clear this pit.

Violence: The swarm has AC 8 and 20 HP per square due to the number of bugs. It resists any non-area damage. Any creature attacking the swarm from within 5 feet of it must make a DC 12 Dexterity Save or be bitten as the critters swarm around your feet or crawl up your weapon. Being bitten deals 2 piercing damage and you are poisoned. You can attempt a DC 12 Constitution Save at the end of each of your turns to end the poisoned condition.

Success: Making it across the pit, however you accomplish it, earns you 50 experience.

The Far Side: Once across, you come to yet another wooden door. There is the smell of smoke wafting through the ancient boards, and a crackling sound.

Next Room

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