Sunday, January 1, 2023

Dungeon23 Intro and Day 1/365

Dungeon23 is a year-long challenge to create a mega dungeon, or twelve small dungeons, one room at a time throughout 2023. Here is the original post:

My take is that I am creating a dungeon specifically for the solo adventurer. It can be played by yourself (great for Forever DMs), or just a single DM and a player (good for parents and kids, or friends that cannot or do not want a larger party). You will need to be judicious in resolving the conflicts: I have provided prompts for common skill checks or actions, but it's your game! Speaking of game, this project assumes you are using the fifth edition of the World's Most Popular Roleplaying Game (you know the one). References to rules and stats and the like assume you are using the relevant sources, such as the free Basic Rules or any books you own.

To lend (y)our hero a hand, I've created a solo-specific background, the Lone Wolf. It hasn't been tested at all but seemed pretty cool.

Background: Lone Wolf
Where most adventurers stick in packs, you have excelled on your own. You can make do with very little, and very little surprises you.
Skills: Perception, Survival
Tool: Herbalism Kit (brew potions)
Language: Any one
Equipment: Pole (10-foot), 50 feet of hempen rope, a pouch for storing herbs, a small notebook and a graphite writing stick, a pouch with 10 gp
Feat: You gain the Resourceful feat. 

Lone Wolf Creed
Most loners operate by some set of rules or guidelines, and they are often tied to what led the person to choose solitude in a dangerous world in the first place. 

D8 - Creed
1 - “Trust no one, not even yourself.”
2 - “Attachments lead to loss and pain.”
3 - “We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone.”
4 - “A solitary life is one of peace and focus not found in crowds.”
5 - “A herd enforces conformity, only alone are we truly free.”
6 - “You don’t have to explain yourself to yourself.”
7 - “A single hero can accomplish what a large party cannot.”
8 - “Legends speak of mighty lone heroes; such legends must be forged.”

Resourceful (Feat). This potent ability is intended for solo heroes, and possibly groups of up to two heroes at DM's discretion It represents the indomitable will and drive that motivates solo heroes.
During a short rest, you can regain a number of charges for limited-use abilities equal to your proficiency bonus (such as Dragon Breath or Lay on Hands). This ability cannot be used again until you have completed a long rest.

Room 0: Entrance

A simple stone door created with a leering skull juts out from the cliff face. There is a keyhole in the center of the door, but no obvious handle. You will need to get it open somehow.

Awareness: With a DC 12 Perception (Wisdom) check, you find that the skull slides up with a little effort, revealing a plain iron key. The key fits into the keyhole and turns without issue.

Brute Force: This door can be pushed permanently open with a DC 16 Athletics (Strength) check.

Lockpicking: A DC 12 Thief's Tools (Dexterity) check actuates the lock mechanism, causing the door to open.

Folklore: A DC 14 History (Intelligence) check recalls an old rhyme about knocking thrice upon Death's Door, at which point he will let you in. The knocks activate the door.

Success: The door opens seemingly on its own accord, hidden mechanisms and gears turning and clicking in a satisfying way. Ages-old dust billows out from the portal, settling to reveal a long, dark hallway ahead.

Reward: However you have chosen to proceed, you gain 50 experience.

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