Monday, January 9, 2023

Dungeon23 Refocus

In the original Dungeon23 post at , Sean advises "Don’t overthink it. Don’t make a grand plan, just sit down each day and focus on writing a good dungeon room." and "365 rooms written like “3 orcs, 25 gold pieces.” is better than 5 rooms written like “In this beautiful hand carved obsidian room sit 3 orcs arguing over a dice game. 25gp sit on the table, each of them…” See what I’m getting at? The goal is the finish line. Just get to the finish line. Trust me."

What did I immediately? I was ambitious and went for the gold. Now, not saying that my solo dungeon is a total waste, but it's already proving to be a hassle. A: it's very detailed, which is hard to keep up. B: it's getting monotonous, and C: the challenges can only be so diverse. A fighter with 12 HP can get hit by a skeleton for 4 damage three times, and a wizard with 6 can get hit twice (or once if you're rolling for damage!). A wizard has spells and whatnot that exhaust quickly, whereas a fighter can cast "sword to face" until the cows come home. I have a newfound respect for solo adventure writers, and maybe using group-oriented rules for that was ultimately foolish.

So, let's begin again. I'll be posting some makeup rooms every day until I catch up. Simple as.

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